Why sort waste?

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The life cycle of packaging and your role in it

  • 1Manufacture of packaging materials

  • 2Packaging of goods and products

  • 3Purchase and use

  • 4Sorting

  • 5Sorted waste collection

  • 6Re-sorting of sorted waste

  • 7Recycling - raw material production

The importance of sorting

Have you thought about what you will leave behind for your children and future generations? A clean, tidy environment, or a life among piles of waste? On average, each person in Latvia produces more than 400 kilograms of waste a year, most of which is permanently disposed of in landfills, but landfill resources are decreasing every year.

The way to reduce household waste is to sort it properly. Waste sorting promotes the recycling of raw materials, significantly reduces the negative impact on the environment and saves our natural resources.


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Recycling waste

Recyclable materials, such as PET bottles, glass bottles and jars, paper and cardboard, electrical appliances, batteries and other man-made waste, have a certain life cycle, just like people or other living organisms.

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